· Africa:
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda,
Sao Tome et Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe.
Asia: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, PR China, Georgia, India,
Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Rep., Laos, Lebanon, Nepal, Malaysia; Mongolia, Palestine, Pakistan, Philippines, Syria, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Thailand, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam.
Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine.
Americas: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Panama, Peru, USA, Venezuela.
Pacific: Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga.
Long term advisory services provided:
- 5/17-
Social Safeguard Advisor, Uganda National Roads Authority
- Offer solution oriented advice and capacity enhancement to manage the social risks
associated with the management of the national road network (~ 20’000 km) and the development of 46 greenfield projects (2’850 km), 69 brownfield projects (5’450 km), 36 bridges etc. in close
cooperation with 11 donor agencies. Key operational, political and social risks include but are not limited to land acquisition, contractor management, labour influx management, stakeholder
engagement and addressing significant legacy issues. Key projects include the planning and construction of the Kampala – Jinja Expressway with an investment budget of USD 1.8b and the rehabilitation
and enhancement of the Tororo-Mbale-Soroti-Lira-Kamdini Road under an Output and Performance based Road Contract with a overall investment of USD 280m.
- 1/15- ongoing Social and Resettlement Advisor, Panel of Experts for the Naghlu Hydro Power Rehabilitation Project in
Afghanistan (World Bank & Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat)
- Provide strategic oversight of project implementation to identify compliance risks against international standards of
(land acquisition, grievance management incl. outstanding resettlement and compensation issues, stakeholder engagement, local content development, benefit sharing schemes, operational health and
safety etc).
- 9/14-4/17 Land and Safeguard Advisor, Federal Ministry of Agricultural of Nigeria (DFID)
- Balance economic, environmental and social considerations
in permitting and managing large scale private agribusinesses through policy development and two pilots:
- Kogi State Staple Crop Processing Zone (SCPZ; 250 ha) and associated Agribusiness
Investment Region (ABIR, 280,000 ha) in cooperation with World Bank and IFC
o Safeguard frameworks (Environmental and Social Management Framework, Integrated Pest Management, Resettlement Policy Framework,
Grievance Mechanism)
o Comprehensive
land management system that identifies, recognises and protects customary rights of farmers, settlers, transhumant and mobile Fulani
o Capability
enhancement/backstopping of local actors to implement the above
o Support
upscaling of SCPZ concept to other states (lessons learned etc.)
· Jigawa State Agribusiness Investments (2016: 100,000 ha)
o Land Acquisition & Resettlement Framework (i.e. state land access
o Comprehensive land management system that identifies, recognises and protects customary rights of farmers, settlers, transhumant and mobile Fulani
o Prepare SCPZ Jigawa Project in the Hadejia Valley: Production and
processing of 0.5mt of rice (SCPZ of 80 ha and ABIR of 120,000 ha) with World Bank and AFDB
o Capability enhancement/backstopping of local actors to implement the above
- 9/14-6/16 Deputy Chief of Party in charge of Social and Resettlement on the Diamer Basha Dam Project/Pakistan, USAID)
- Enhanced the ongoing construction of this 4,500 MW Hydropower Project to meet ADB & World Bank Standards, to reduce operational risks, strengthen interactions with stakeholders and allow
multilateral financial institutions to support the project
- Assure that the physical resettlement of ~40,000 people as well as the rehabilitation of livelihoods of ~ 80,000 economically displaced people meet the requirements of OP 4.12, ADB’s Safeguard
Policy Statement, IFC PS, national laws and local preferences
- Piloted stakeholder engagement, livelihood restoration and resettlement packages as well as benefit sharing agreements in a way that the project is able to obtain the free, prior and informed
consent of the affected people that in their large majority considered to meet the characteristics of indigenous peoples
- Certain that all ~32,000 petroglyphs and other cultural heritage sites affected by the project are surveyed and documented in line with international standards and the most important artefacts
presented in a new museum to be established in Chilas/Gilgit
- Assured that stakeholder engagement, working conditions as well as downstream and regional impacts respect human rights principles and World Bank standards.
- 11/08-10/14 Manager Land Access, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental & Social Impact Assessments of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (Italy, Albania and
- Elaborated polices/strategies to ensure compliance of this 900 km long gas pipeline with EBRD´s Performance Requirements, international best practice & human rights
- Led route refinement processes in Greece, Albania and Italy
- Directed the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Processes
- Led the acquisition of land and easements from 40,000 affected people through negotiated settlements
- Piloted local content development & social and environmental investment programmes
- Headed negotiations with governments and other stakeholders on these subjects
- 3/07-9/08 Social Development Specialist (Safeguards) (Asian Development Bank). Responsibilities included:
- the review, finalisation and clearing of all social safeguard documents for the entire portfolio (~ 150 projects in 44 countries with a total investment of USD 11 billion/year) to assure
compliance with ADB’s policy on involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples,
- provision of operational support for highly complex projects,
- compliance review missions on controversial projects and if needed for the negotiation of corrective actions and/or the mediation of conflicts;
- elaboration of draft policy on involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples;
- training and backstopping of regional safeguard experts
Short term advisory services per sector:
Land Access and Resettlement
Investigation of the Second Additional Financing for the High-Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance Project (Pro-Routes) in the DRC (World Bank Inspection
1-3/18 Resettlement Process Framework for I Indian-German Forestry and Biodiversity Management Project in the Himalaya/Nagaland (KfW) with AHT.
7-8/2017 Preliminary investigation of two land acquisition related complaints related to the Reventazón
Hydroelectric Project in Costa Rica (IFC-CAO).
1-6/2017 Verification of Complaints related to the land acquisitions by Golden Veroleum Liberia Inc.
(220,000 ha) against the Principles and Criteria of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
1-2/2017 Resettlement Action Plan for the Municipal Development and Urban Resilience Project (Cap-Haitien)
World Bank.
12/16-12/17 Compliance Audit Report for the Bujagali Hydro Power Project in Uganda (IFC Compliance Advisor
9-12/16 Resettlement Policy Framework for the Indonesian-German Forest Programme IV: South and
West Sulawesi: Reforestation and Integrated Watershed Management Component (KfW) with AHT
7/16-4/17 Due diligence on the land acquisition and resettlement works related to the preparation and
construction of the Arun III, Upper Karnali, West Seti and Tamakoshi III Hydropower Projects as well as other large-scale investments managed by the Investment board of Nepal against IFC PS 5, OP
4.12 and ADB’s SPS (DFID).
- 1/16-4/16 Due diligence on the land acquisition and resettlement work related to the construction and operation of the Batang Ai, Bakun,
Murum and Baram Hydropower Projects as well as other large scale investments in the Sarawak Corridor of New Investment Project in Malaysia against IFC Performance Standards (Fusion Brand &
- 12/15-6/16 Completion Audit of the Resettlement Action Plan for the Kamsar Port in Guinea (Guinea Alumina Corporation & IFC)
- 10-12/2015 Land acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework for agribusiness investments in Jigawa State/Nigeria (DFID & Jigawa State Government)
- 8/15-6/16 Evaluation/Audit of the First Phase of the Resettlement Program for the Kandadji Project (5,500 people) in Niger (World Bank &
Haut Commissariat pour l’Amenagement de la Vallee du Niger)
- 6/15-6/16 Livelihood Restoration Framework for the Project “Second Backbone UHV Corridor Kakhovska-Primorska-Dnistrovska-Khmelnitska” which
includes 950 km of new 750 kV transmission lines, 350 km of new 330 kV transmission lines & 4 substations (UKRENERGO/EBRD)
- 10-12/2014 Resettlement Policy Framework for the Kogi State Agribusiness Investment Region (280,000 ha) in Nigeria (World Bank, IFC, DFID)
- 6/13-6/15 Resettlement Action Plan for the Peligre Hydropower Station Rehabilitation and Transmission Line Construction in Haiti (IDB)
- 1-12/2013 Resettlement Policy Framework and Resettlement Action Plan for the Kuram Tangi Multipurpose Dam Project in North Waziristan/Pakistan
- 6-8/2012 Audit of land access and resettlement work of the Hanoi – Haiphong highway (MIGA)
- 1/12-3/13 Special advisor to the Moroccan government on the physical and economic resettlement of 2,000 people from the Medina in Fez
(Millennium Challenge Cooperation)
- 12/11-12/13 Peer Reviewer of the resettlement planning process of the Tampakan Copper and Gold Mine Project on the Philippines (Xstrata - Sagittarius Mines,
- 12/11-3/12 Audit of resettlement work conducted by the Senegal Road Rehabilitation, Irrigation and Water Resource Management Projects (Millennium
Challenge Cooperation)
- 6/11-12/11 Audit of resettlement work conducted by the Burkina Faso Agriculture, Roads and Land Tenure Development Projects (Millennium Challenge
- 7/10-10/10 Audit of mining related resettlement work in Morocco (Office Chérifien des Phosphates)
- 11/06-2/07 Elaboration of the Resettlement Policy Framework for a Natural Resource Management Project in Kenya (World Bank, Ministry of Environment &
Ministry of Water)
- 11/06-2/07 Elaboration of the Resettlement Policy Framework for the Western Kenya Community Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project (World Bank
& Office of the President)
- 1/06-10/06 Resettlement policy framework & resettlement process framework for a GEF project in support of national parks in the DRC (World Bank -
- 4/05-8/05 Resettlement policy framework & resettlement process framework for the Programme Sectoriel Forêts, Pêche et Environnement in
Gabon (GEF, World Bank & MEFEPEPN)
- 2/00-4/00 Evaluation of the resettlement process: The Ekundu-Kundu pilot scheme (Delegation of the Commission of European Union in
- 5/99-9/99 The socio-economic impacts of the resettlement of Ekundu-Kundu (WWF)
- 1/98-12/02 Conservation induced physical and economical displacement: Social impact assessment of 12 national parks in 6 countries (African Study
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
9-12/16 Environmental and Social Management Framework for the Indonesian-German Forest
Programme IV: South and West Sulawesi: Reforestation and Integrated Watershed Management Component (KfW) with AHT
7/16-4/17 Due diligence on the Draft ESIAs for the Arun III, Upper Karnali, West Seti and Tamakoshi III
Hydropower Projects as well as other large-scale investments managed by the Investment board of Nepal against World Bank, IFC and ADB safeguard policy standards (DFID).
- 4-6/2016 Social Impact Assessment for Mano River Union Ecosystem Conservation and International Water Resources Management Project in
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire (IUCN/GEF)
- 10/2015 -ongoing: Strategic Environment Impact Assessment for opening the Voltaian Basin, Ghana, for oil and gas exploration (Ministry of Petroleum, Ghana) together with Eco Management
- 10/14-6/15 ESIA Scoping Report for Diamer Basha Dam Project (WAPDA & USAID)
- 10-12/2014 Environmental and Social Management Framework and Integrated Pest Management Plan for an Agribusiness Investment Region of 280,000 ha in Nigeria
(World Bank & IFC)
- 1-12/2013 Social Impact Assessment for the Kuram Tangi Multipurpose Dam Project in North Waziristan/Pakistan (MWH/USAID)
- 2/12-6/13 Strategic Environment Impact Assessment for Oil and Gas Activities in the Albertine Graben (Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Development Uganda) together with Eco Management Support
- 1/06-10/06 Social impact assessment for a GEF project in support of national parks in the DRC (World Bank)
- 4/05-8/05 Social impact assessment for the Programme Sectoriel Forêts, Pêche et Environnement in Gabon (GEF, World Bank & MEFEPEPN)
- 2/05-3/05 Social impact assessment of the new forestry laws in Cameroon and Congo (CIFOR)
- 1/00-6/00 The Perception of the KORUP Project among the inhabitants of the project region – A social impact assessment (WWF)
- 9/00-6/01 Human activities in and around Takamanda Forest Reserve: Socio-economic baseline survey (GTZ)
- 11/99-12/99 The Mamfe - Akwaya Road Project: An Environmental Impact Assessment. (GTZ on behalf of the Cameroonian Ministries of Environment and Forest and Public
Advising clients on balancing economic, environmental and social considerations
- 9-12/14 Advise the Agence Francaise de Developpement on how to update their safeguard policies so that it enables AFD to
identify and manage operational risks related to their portfolio (AFD)
- 9/13-3/14 Sustainability Risk Assessment for the Rwizi Catchment/Uganda (GIZ) together with ARUP
- 6/08-9/08 Special Advisor to the African Task Force to establish community forests in 6 African countries with an overall surface area of
1,000,000 ha (Prince of Wales’s Rainforest Project)
- 2/06-9/06 Global assessment of mechanisms to address outstanding social issues of dam and development projects for a compendium on relevant
practice (UNEP)
- 8/04-12/04 Elaboration of a draft social safeguards policy on indigenous people (BMZ)
- 5/03 Biodiversity Conservation versus Resettlement in Rainforests: Balancing Environmental
& Social Sustainability (BMZ).
Project management and backstopping
- 11/06-2/07 Elaboration of the Project Implementation Plan for a Natural Resource Management Project in Kenya (World Bank, Ministry of Environment &
Ministry of Water)
- 11/06-2/07 Elaboration of the Project Implementation Plan for the Western Kenya Community Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project (World Bank
& Office of the President)
- 7/05 Social safeguard supervision for the Namib Coast Biodiversity Conservation and
Management Project in Namibia (GEF & World Bank)
- 7/05 Social safeguard supervision for the Integrated Community-based Ecosystem Management
Programme/Namibia (GEF - World Bank)
- 7/04 Backstop the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism for the Integrated Community
Based Ecosystem Management Project (World Bank)
- 6/04-10/04 Elaboration of a manual for village development plans in the context of the Programme sectoriel forets et environnement in Cameroon (GTZ)
- 2/04-3/04 Feasibility study for the KfW intervention in the context of the Programme sectoriel forets et environnement in Cameroon (KfW)
- 12/03-2/04 Backstop the Cameroonian Ministry of Tourism in the elaboration of a national eco-tourism strategy and the implementation of the national
marketing strategy (GTZ)
- 11/03-12/03 Facilitate the establishment of lessons learned for community driven development projects in Cameroon (Promotion des Groupements de Producteurs
Agricoles) (GTZ)
- 4/02 Fostering change through collaboration: Programme for the German-Cameroonian Cooperation
Training and capacity building
- 3/07-6/08 Training and backstopping of all ADB Staff on Social Policies and Safeguards
- 6/03-12/06 Training and backstopping of World Bank Staff in Africa on Social Policies and Safeguards
- 10-12/2002 Conduct a training course in quantitative research methods, data base management and data analysis strategies (GTZ Cameroon, CAR, DRC and
- 9/02-10/02 Visiting Professor at the Department of Anthropology. (Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa) Established first curricula on
resettlement in Africa.
- 7/97-7/99 Senior Lecturer, University of Buea/Cameroon. Lectured in the department of sociology and anthropology, organise a M.Sc. programme on
development studies and supervised B.Sc. examinations and M.Sc. dissertations.
- 1/93-12/96 Junior Research Fellow, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster/Germany. Carried out data collection on transformational processes in Africa
and teach undergraduate seminars in the department of sociology.
Socio-economic Surveys
- 8/06-6/07 Backstopping a Public Expenditure Tracking Survey of the education sector in Cameroon carried out by the NGO-Network Dynamique
Citoyenne (GTZ & SCAC)
- 11/05-12/05 Social science backstopping for the « Programme d’appui à la décentralisation et au développement local » in Cameroon (GTZ)
- 1/04-12/04 Establishment of socio-economic and socio-cultural baseline data for 2000 villages in the Casamance (Senegal). (GTZ)
- 12/02 Conduct a training course in quantitative research methods, data base management and data analysis
strategies (GTZ)
Poverty related studies
- 10/06-12/06 Development of a poverty and social impact monitoring system for the reform processes in the forest sector of the COMIFAC countries (GTZ)
- 11/05-12/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme in Senegal (GTZ)
- 11/05-12/05 Development of a strategy for a poverty and social impact monitoring system for the reform processes in the forest sector for the COMIFAC countries
- 10/05 Project proposal “Elaboration of an impact analysis system to document the contribution of donor
portfolios to the millennium development goals” (GTZ)
- 10/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme in Indonesia (GTZ)
- 9/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme in Cambodia (GTZ)
- 9/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme on the Philippines (GTZ)
- 9/05 Elaboration of the project proposal “free school meals for primary schools in Malawi” in
the context of the UN Quick-Win action plan (GTZ)
- 9/05 Elaboration of the project proposal “insecticide-treated bed-nets for children in
Malawi” in the context of the UN Quick-Win action plan (GTZ)
- 8/05-9/05 Elaboration of a monitoring and evaluation system for the national health sector programme as part of the poverty reduction
strategy in Cameroon (GTZ)
- 8/05 Poverty impact analysis of the Health Sector Support Programme in Nepal (GTZ)
- 7/05-8/05 Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of the Forest Code in the DRC (World Bank)
- 3/05-4/05 Poverty impact analysis & progress evaluation of the Health/HIV Sector Programme Cameroon (GTZ)
- 10/04-12/04 Elaboration of several fact-sheets to document the contribution of GTZ-programmes to the fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals. (GTZ)
- 5/04 Elaboration of a poverty impact monitoring and evaluation system for the three sector
programmes of the German-Cameroonian cooperation (GTZ)
- 5/03-6/04 Establishment of a Geographic Information System based poverty map to monitor and evaluate the impact of the national poverty
reduction strategy in Cameroon (GTZ)
Stakeholder Engagement and Disclosure
- 9/14-6/15 Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Diamer Basha Dam Project (WAPDA & USAID)
- 6/06-10/06 Preparation of a protocol for Community Consultation on the conversion of existing forestry concessions in the DRC (World Bank - Ministère du
- 1/04-4/05 Preparation of a Manual for Mine Investment and Community Investment Agreements in the DRC (World Bank)
- 1/00-6/00 The Perception of the KORUP Project among the inhabitants of the project region – A social impact assessment (WWF)
- 3/02 Environmental communication and its interactions with poverty reduction and sustainable
development: The Cameroon experience (GTZ)
- 10/01 Extension materials for village based natural resource management (GTZ)
- 8/01-9/01 Assessment of the organisational, technical and economical capacities of peasants’ organisations in the Central Province of
Cameroon (GTZ)
- 9/00 Support to young environmentalists in their participation at decision-making processes on
environmental policy in Cameroon (project-proposal) (GTZ)
Indigenous Peoples Plans
4-8/2017 Are there people in World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa Region that meet the characteristics
of Indigenous Peoples? Assessment of the situation, in Morocco, West-Sahara, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Egypt, Djibouti, Jordan, West Bank and Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen. (World Bank).
9-12/16 Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework for the Indonesian-German Forest Programme IV:
South and West Sulawesi: Reforestation and Integrated Watershed Management Component (KfW) with AHT
6/14-6/16 Indigenous Peoples Plan for the Diamer Basha Dam in Gilgit
Baltistan (MWH/USAID)
- 3-7/2015 Indigenous Peoples Plans for the rehabilitation of the following National Road (RN): RN 2 Goma – Bukavu (120km), RN 3, Bukavu
– Walikale (250km), RN 4 Beni-Kasindi (100km) and RN 27 Komanda – Goli (300 km) in the DRC (World Bank & Ministry of Infrastructure).
- 5-11/2013 Identification and social assessment of indigenous peoples in Morocco, West Sahara, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan (EBRD).
- 1/13-8/13 Indigenous Peoples Plan for the Kurram Tangi Multipurpose Dam in North Waziristan (MWH/USAID)
- 1/07-3/07 Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework for the Social Fund in the DRC (World Bank & Office of the President)
- 11/06-2/07 Elaboration of the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework for a Natural Resource Management Project in Kenya (World Bank, Ministry of
Environment & Ministry of Water)
- 11/06-2/07 Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework for the Western Kenya Community Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project (World Bank & Office
of the President)
- 6/06-10/06 Indigenous peoples plan for the rehabilitation of the road Zongo - Libenge - Gemena - Akula in the DRC (World Bank - Ministère du Plan)
- 5/06-10/06 Indigenous peoples plan for the rehabilitation of the national roads (RN): RN 4 Kisangani- Nia Nia -Mambasa-Komanda-Beni & RN 2
Bukavu-Kasongo-Mbuji Mayi in the DRC (World Bank - Ministère du Plan)
- 1/06-10/06 Indigenous peoples plan for a project in support of national parks in the DRC (World Bank)
- 12/05-1/06 Indigenous peoples plan for the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Land Management Project (GEF, World Bank & KARI)
- 4/05-8/05 Indigenous people development plan for the Programme Sectoriel Forêts, Pêche et Environnement in Gabon (GEF, World Bank &
- 8/04-12/04 Elaboration of a draft social safeguard policy on indigenous people for GTZ incl. presentation at the governmental summer school in Vilm
(Germany) and an expert hearing of the IAITPTF and UN-FF in San José (Costa Rica) (GTZ).
- 7/04 Backstop the implementation of the Indigenous People Development Plan for the Integrated
Community Based Ecosystem Management Project in Namibia (World Bank)
- 6/04 Summary of existing knowledge on indigenous peoples in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(World Bank)
- 8/03 Indigenous people development plan for the sector programme on environment and forest in
Cameroon (World Bank)
- 3/03-4/03 Indigenous people development plan for the Programme national de développement participatif in Cameroon (World Bank).
Cultural Heritage
- 1/13-8/13 Cultural Heritage Protection Plan for the Kurram Tangi Multipurpose Dam in North Waziristan (MWH/USAID)
- 12/02-12/03 Elaboration and implementation of a Geographic Information System to assess, promote, monitor and evaluate (eco)tourism in Cameroon (GTZ).
- 9/02-12/03 Elaboration and implementation of a system to manage the knowledge on ‘Ecotourism’ in the Cameroonian Ministry of Tourism (GTZ)
- 4-5/99 Buea - The history of an African town & Douala - From a fishing village to the economic capital
- 3-4/99 Cultural and historical facts about the Mt. Cameroon region (GTZ)
- 10/98-12/99 A strategy for a better consideration of the cultural context of natural resource management in the Mount Cameroon region (GTZ and African Study
- Health
- 11/05-12/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme in Senegal (GTZ)
- 10/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme in Indonesia (GTZ)
- 9/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme in Cambodia (GTZ)
- 9/05 Poverty impact analysis of a Health Sector Programme on the Philippines (GTZ)
- 8/05-9/05 Elaboration of a monitoring and evaluation system for the national health sector programme as part of the poverty reduction
strategy in Cameroon (GTZ)
- 8/05 Poverty impact analysis of the Health Sector Support Programme in Nepal (GTZ)
- 4/05-5/05 Elaboration of a project proposal for the new phase of the German-Cameroonian Sector-Programme on Health/AIDS (GTZ)
- 3/05-4/05 Poverty impact analysis & progress evaluation of the German-Cameroonian Sector Programme on Health/AIDS (GTZ)
Integrated Conservation and Development Policies, Programs & Projects
- 9/08-10/08 Elaboration of the National Program for Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Benin (Ministry of Environment & GTZ)
- 1/07-3/07 Coordinate a study on Wildlife Conservation and Management in Central Africa (UNESCO-EOLSS)
- 7/05 Social safeguard supervision for the Namib Coast Biodiversity Conservation and
Management Project in Namibia (GEF & World Bank)
- 7/05 Social safeguard supervision for the Integrated Community-based Ecosystem Management
Programme/Namibia (GEF - World Bank)
- 11/04-1/05 Elaboration of a project proposal “Assessment of the local social impacts of legal and illegal forest utilization patterns in rainforests”
- 7/04 Backstop the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism in the implementation of the
Indigenous People Development Plan for the Integrated Community Based Ecosystem Management Project (World Bank)
- 6/04-10/04 Elaboration of a manual for village development plans in the context of the forestry sector programme (PSFE) in Cameroon (GTZ)
- 2/04-3/04 Feasibility study for the KfW intervention in the context of the PSFE (Programme sectoriel forets et environnement) in Cameroon
- 1/03-7/03 Establishment of a Geographic Information System to monitor/evaluate the impacts of conservation and development activities in the
Mt. Cameroon region (GTZ).
- 1/03-4/03 Participatory evaluation of the technical, financial and organisational sustainability of natural-resource-management-committees
and governmental extension-services in and around Korup National Park (GTZ)
- 1/02 Participatory land use mapping of the Cross River National Park (Park authorities)
- 11/01-4/02 Participatory land use mapping of the Akwaya Subdivision (Cameroon) (GTZ)
Due diligence against international standards
- 1-3/2016- Due diligence on the land acquisition and resettlement work related to the construction and operation of the Batang Ai, Bakun,
Murum and Baram Hydropower Projects established by the Sarawak Corridor of New Investment Project in Malaysia (Fusion Brand & SCORE)
- 4-10/2015 Lender due diligence for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of the Sangarédi Mine of the Compagnie des
Bauxites de Guinée & Rio Tinto (IFC)
- 6-11/13 Social and Environmental due diligence for 3 investment projects by the National Water Company in Morocco (EBRD)
together with ARUP
- 12/11-3/13 Peer Reviewer of the Tampakan Copper and Gold Mine Project on the Philippines to assure compliance with IFC Performance Standards (Xstrata -
Sagittarius Mines, Inc)
- 6/10-9/10 Appraisal of the Energy Sector Program in Malawi (Millennium Challenge Cooperation)
- 5-7/2007 Social Safeguard Appraisal for Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project in Armenia (ADB)
- 5-7/2007 Social Safeguard Appraisal for Rural Road Sector Project in Georgia (ADB)
- 7/07-9/08 Social Safeguard Supervision for the Melamchi Water Project in Nepal (ADB)
Monitoring, evaluations and audits
- 12/15-2/16 Completion Audit of the Resettlement Action Plan for the Kamsar Port in Guinea (Guinea Alumina Corporation & IFC)
- 8-12/2015 Evaluation/Audit of the First Phase of the Resettlement Program for the Kandadji Project (5,500 people) in Niger (World Bank & Haut
Commissariat pour l’Amenagement de la Vallee du Niger).
- 6-8/2012 Audit of land access and resettlement work of the Hanoi – Haiphong highway (MIGA)
- 12/11-3/12 Audit of resettlement work conducted by the Senegal Road Rehabilitation, Irrigation and Water Resource Management Projects (Millennium
Challenge Cooperation)
- 6/11-12/11 Audit of resettlement work conducted by the Burkina Faso Agriculture, Roads and Land Tenure Development Projects (Millennium Challenge
- 7/10-10/10 Audit of mining related resettlement work in Morocco (Office Chérifien des Phosphates)
- 10/07-3/08 Country Portfolio Evaluation of the GEF program in Cameroon (GEF-EO)
- 10/05-11/05 Evaluation : Centre pour l'Environnement et le Développement/Cameroun (CED)
- 5/04-12/04 Elaboration of a monitoring and evaluation system for the Programme d’appui à la décentralisation et au développement local in Cameroon
- 5/04 Elaboration of a poverty impact monitoring and evaluation system for the three sector
programmes of the German-Cameroonian cooperation (GTZ)
- 5/03-6/04 Establishment of a Geographic Information System based poverty map to monitor and evaluate the impact of the national poverty
reduction strategy in Cameroon (Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté) (GTZ)
- 1/03-7/03 Establishment of a Geographic Information System to monitor/evaluate the impacts of conservation and development activities in the
Mt. Cameroon region (GTZ).
- 1/03-4/03 Participatory evaluation of the technical, financial and organisational sustainability of natural-resource-management-committees
and governmental extension-services in and around Korup National Park (GTZ)
- 7/01 Evaluation: Women/Gender in the rural development programme Provillage (KfW)